Golden Visa Dubai

Eligibility for Golden Visa

The Rising Eligibility of Dubai Residents for Golden Visas

According To Industry Executives, The Eligibility For Golden Visas Has Expanded To Include Nearly All Townhouse Buyers As Prices Have Surpassed The Dh2 Million Mark. Due to a surge in real estate values during the pandemic, more and more residents are qualifying for Dubai's renowned Golden Visa residence. Since prices have surpassed Dh2 million and new townhouses are being introduced at Dh2 million...


Steps to check UAE Visa status online

Most people do not remember the renewal date after receiving their UAE visa, which is why it is essential to understand that there are various methods to check the visa's validity. Everyone should go through the renewal process at least once a year, depending on the type of visa they originally acquired. The simplest solution is to keep your passport with you at all times or to find alternative methods of...

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